2017-07-20 03:09:22 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

My wife and I are newlyweds, we married last December, and we're still trying to straighten out the paperwork for our new home. I've been staying with my wife in her family's home for couple of months.

My brother-in-law is under 18 years old, let's just call him "Jimmy". I've noticed my father-in-law is not strict at all with Jimmy. I've never heard him scolded Jimmy even though Jimmy stays out late and usually gets home at 11:00PM - 12:00AM. We don't have any idea where he stays during his late nights. Jimmy skips his classes without a reasonable excuse and I've never heard my father-in-law say anything to motivate Jimmy to attend classes even though Jimmy has a very poor academic history (it took him 10 years to complete his primary education, instead of the usual 6).

Another thing I noticed is that when Jimmy asks for something (buy a new phone or shoes) my father-in-law never says no. He also gives Jimmy soda daily, which is not really good for his health. It seems to me that he's spoiling Jimmy too much. I feel that there's supposed to be a reward system to motivate Jimmy to strive harder in school and teach him the value of education. I've never seen Jimmy working on homework assignments, thus I believe he is not serious in his studies though he just reached the secondary education this year.

I'm concerned about Jimmy. I have two younger brothers and we've grown up with our parents putting a strong emphasis on the importance of our education, which motivated us to study hard and do well academically.

Should I just let it pass? I'm afraid that my father-in-law might be offended and think that I'm trying to tell him how to parent his own child.

EDIT: Sorry if I really missed one point. Yes, we do talk about it with my wife, of course I do open up to her, we've been in a relationship for 8 years before we get married. What I usually ask her "Why your father is too kind? and explained what I noticed..", and she will just respond "because that's what my father is", and if I talked about Jimmy to her. She would usually respond to me "We (with my mother-in-law) already tried to correct Jimmy a lot of times, but it looks like that is what he is.". I really appreciate all the response. Though I might just pre-judge Jimmy's action that would affect his future (that is where my concern is). Glad I have not talk about it yet to my father-in-law,

十一 答案:
2017-07-20 04:01:15 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

I would think the logical person to ask is your wife.

She might be expected to know all the tricky parts of the situation we can't, and probably is predisposed to accept your involvement in her family.

這很棒。育兒SE:*“問您的配偶!” *工作場所SE:*“問老闆!” *學術SE:*“問顧問!” *程序員SE:*“問您的團隊領導!” *旅行.SE:*“問邊境代理!” * Money.SE:*“問您的稅務顧問!” * Law.SE:*“問您的律師!” * ...
問/老闆/顧問/團隊負責人/ BorderAgent /稅務顧問/律師:_“讓我做一些在線研究...” _
2017-07-20 03:47:05 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

Your options are limited. You're an outsider and very new to actually being in the family, doesn't matter how long you dated your wife previously. You've only been recently allowed to enter the inner-circle of the family via marriage.

If you are asked for your opinion then give it gently and tactfully. Don't come out immediately as being overly-critical.

If you aren't asked for your opinion. Leave it alone. It's honestly none of your business. Your father-in-law will be offended and you risk losing a foothold in the family despite the freshness of the marriage.

Leave it alone unless otherwise asked.

2017-07-20 06:55:26 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink





2017-07-20 15:21:50 UTC
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2017-07-20 21:27:18 UTC
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2017-07-22 20:05:20 UTC
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Adam Davis
2017-07-20 18:59:51 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

You ask two questions, I'll answer the second first.

Should I just let it pass?

Yes. What you describe could be considered lax discipline, but it's unlikely to be considered abuse or neglect. As an outsider recently married into the family you really should get a lot more experience with the family dynamics, relationships, and personalities before extending advice on those things - and even then you shouldn't do so unless you have a really strong relationship with the person you are offering advice to - and even then you should probably hold off on advice unless asked for it, or unless the situation becomes desperate.

So let it pass.

How would I tell my Father-In-Law that he's being too lenient in disciplining my brother-in-law?

If you must do so, and again I strongly advise against it, then I'd approach it from a very humble angle, and I'd avoid tattle-telling. Keep in mind that he raised your wife, and you married her, so your work ethic appears to be compatible. It's reasonable to assume that he raised her similarly to his younger son, and that differences are due to 1) changing circumstances and 2) learning the hard way with older children that certain tactics were less effective.

So the way he's raising the younger son is strongly influenced by the successes and failures he feels he's had raising his older children.

Coming right out and saying, "I think you're doing something wrong" is not going to be effective, and has a very strong possibility of being offensive.

It's really not a good way to strengthen your relationship with your father in law, and that should really be your first priority.

Still, if you must interfere with their relationship and his parenting style, consider starting off the discussion with something similar to:

I appreciate living in your home while you are still raising younger children, it's given me a perspective on parenting I wouldn't otherwise gain, and is particularly interesting since my parents had a slightly different style to yours, so it's really opened my eyes.

What can you tell me about parenting?

Then continue to ask questions. Maybe ask what they've changed over the years, how their children were different and what techniques worked for one that didn't work for the others, what they would do differently if they had to do it over again.

In other words, seek first to understand, and through your discussion you may find chances and opportunities to question why they are lax - but again you don't want to be the one sharing instances of bad behavior. That's not your place, and honestly it makes you sound more like a jealous or petulant child than an adult.

You have an opportunity to learn and strengthen your relationship with your father in law, I suggest you focus on that first, because starting off on the wrong foot will cause you nothing but problems later on in life, and when you have your own children he may still feel offended that you dared question his parenting, and your own parenting style will simply reopen that wound.

So, again, I'd suggest letting it pass, but if you must talk about it 1) don't tattle tell and 2) don't be critical, but instead use it as a way for you to gain understanding.

2017-07-21 18:04:10 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink


2017-07-24 16:47:45 UTC
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tl; dr 您是局外人。你還不夠了解。保持警惕,以免嚴重破壞與岳父和岳父的關係。

2017-07-24 05:33:00 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

I am in this same situation and I did humbly talk to the father-in-law after one incident. My father-in-law did listen, and even agreed, but nothing became of it. It's too hard to change how people parent. They still continue to baby him. This "kid" is 35 years old but otherwise he fits your description exactly...and still lives at home.

Luckily I have an excellent relationship with my father-in-law as a "second son" so no blowback. I would agree, you need to leave it alone, but I second the suggestion of acting as a "big brother".

Andrew Neely
2017-07-24 18:18:32 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

First, never should any suggestion of this type come from the son-in-law. Your wife will be granted liberties to say things you will not. If you say something, your wife's family will feel like you have crossed a boundary and it may irrevocably damage your relationship. If you and your wife agree that something must be said, it is she who needs to do the saying.

Second, while I agree with your diagnosis, imagine yourself in a few years. You're raising your child according to your beliefs, and your in-laws step in and say you're doing it wrong. How would you feel and react? If you say something now, you are inviting them to intrude into how you raise your children.

Third, your course of action is to act as a role model and mentor to Jimmy. Reach out to him. Do things with him. You may be able to exert a much greater influence over his life this way than his own father's actions.

Lastly, bad parenting is a bad habit much like smoking or overeating. Even if a person is highly motivated and truly desires to change, changing ingrained patterns of behavior are extremely difficult! So, even if you would convince your father-in-law to change, there is a high likelihood he would fall into the old, easy patterns of behavior in a matter of days or weeks.

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