2017-08-30 15:09:55 UTC
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My daughter is 17. Her girlfriend is the same age. Long story short, my daughter asked me today if she could take a camping trip with her girlfriend before the school year started. The camping grounds are ~100 miles away from our house.

My partner and I are on the fence with this. We trust our daughter isn't going to make a unplanned for detour to Vegas, but it's hard to let go. It's not like a school trip where she's staying in a hotel under the supervision of teachers. She would be sleeping on the floor, in the woods, with us too far away if anything happened to her. Plus, we don't really think 17 year olds are mature enough for an overnight trip with a significant other.

So I guess we're leering on the side of 'no', but we want to be fair so here I am asking this site for its opinion. Thanks in advance

在我17歲的時候,我獨自一人坐在飛機上,我確實為自己訂了書,離家只有6000英里,並作為交換生在那里呆了12個月。真的你的女兒不能去露營嗎? :-)放開她,您的信任將得到豐厚的回報!
八 答案:
2017-08-30 20:36:58 UTC
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2017-09-01 16:57:55 UTC
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In a short time she will be off to college. Likely farther than 100 miles. So do you trust her judgement? You cannot handhold her through life. At some point, you have to cut the cord and let them be. Camping should be relatively safe. Pretty much anything that can happen while camping can happen at home too. There is no such thing as totally safe no matter how nice your neighborhood. Let her go. Let her exert her independence.

這是部分向其他方向搖擺的第一個答案。我要說的是,儘管再過一年的成熟,在青少年時代就產生了巨大的變化。 +1
2017-08-30 18:30:34 UTC
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As a parent who has been asked for similar freedoms at similar ages I can tell you my answer was "no". In my case I managed to get them to be happy to camp in my own yard and have a fire and just have a more "secure" sleep out. We don't have large property or I would have been open to any place on my land. I would also maybe have allowed them to do so on someone's property I know, but to my surprise the offer of our own yard was well received. I am in the USA and the one thing I have going for me is I was able to locate online the rules for state parks and show they that they were too young to be permitted to rent a lot on their own anyway. Likewise, where I live, you won't be able to get a room if under 21. They do not want to deal with underage drinking, which many kids use camping and hotels for.

I also feel that the way I try to negotiate things at the "end" of childhood has helped us be able to maintain some influence with our kids. I want them to see me as a source of support and information. I personally don't feel like it's particularly "safe" to be so young and inexperienced in life and go off camping. I wanted them to also see this. In a year she can go where she pleases without permission. This is the last year you have to help her try to sort out what is a good idea and what is inherently a bit risky. As such, I would negotiate (like I did with my yard camping) and explain the safety concerns on such an endeavor and that she would likely find trouble even getting a place to rent, because the parks and hotels also recognize the inherent risks. I also have encouraged my daughters when they do go camping to take a dog with them. It really is considered one of the ways you can camp "safer".

“這是您必須幫助她的最後一年,以理清什麼是好主意,哪些本質上有點冒險。” -我同意,但是我不想告訴我的女兒,短暫的露營之旅屬於生活中“有點冒險”的方面,它變得平凡無奇。
2017-09-01 03:25:02 UTC
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At 17, you really can't stop her. You can reason, forbid, plead and possibly even attempt to restrain, but in the end she will make a decision for herself.

I happen to trust my own daughter's judgement in such matters because she has repeatedly shown she is trustworthy. However, her friends whose judgement was not so sound simply walked out the door and left home when they were forbidden things their parents weren't comfortable with, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Express your concerns as a more experienced adult to another adult, discuss the safety, practical, and legal issues that may arise in your locale, and afterwards she will make her own decision.

2017-09-01 15:51:52 UTC
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I think this is a great point in her life where you can help her become independent in a safe way.

There are multiple things you could do to still ensure her safety. Make sure she knows about any wild animals that could be near, how to behave in a dangerous situation and to always carry a (charged) cellphone. Give her (or make her buy) an external battery for her phone so she is always in contact with either you or law enforcement in case anything happens.

Ask her for all the details about the camping grounds, surrounding etc and plan the trip out together with her and her friend. If you dislike this place you can discuss something that suits you more, maybe even closer to home.

You can say no to her, but in all honesty most 17 year old girls are mature enough to leave home for one or two nights. You will get on her good side if you accept this trip and help her plan instead of fight it. This can be a great learning opportunity for her.

2017-09-01 17:30:52 UTC
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Let her go. It's only 100 miles -- you can pick her up if something goes wrong.

We learn things by making mistakes. This is a good opportunity to make mistakes, if it turns out she still has learning to to do -- there's two of them together, it's a camping ground, it's not too far away, she can talk things over with her parents first. So there's very little real risk.

Ask her what she's doing for preparation. What I'd want to hear is that there's cell phone coverage there, and that she'll have enough battery the whole time, because as long as she has that, it'll be fine. And I'd want to hear that she's giving all the details of where she is and where she's making trips to (if applicablle), in case something goes wrong. At 17 I'd expect her to think of such things herself.

And then, when she decides to visit another country for a month next year, she'll at least have this trip under her belt. It's not much, but it's something.

2017-09-01 21:08:51 UTC
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If they have experience camping, they are certainly old enough to do so. A group of kids would be safer than just 2. BUT, at this age kids lie. "Going camping" sounds like a red flag because there is no way to verify where they really are. Especially if there's no cell phone service. You know your daughter better than anyone, so only you can answer the question of whether or not to let her go.

It is your responsibility as a parent to protect her so that should always come first. Trust your instincts. Ask lots of questions. Will she have cell phone service? Will there be alcohol/drugs? Will there be boys? What will they do if there's an emergency? Get a timeline of events so you know where she is at all times.

When I was 18 and still in high school, me and my friend (who was a girl) went to Germany together for 10 days. We were a year older than your daughter and we had proved to our parents to be responsible over the years. We were staying with families our parents knew and trusted. We were 18. We were legally adults, so our parents are no longer legally responsible for our actions. They let us go as a graduation present but we had to be in constant communication.

You mentioned your daughter is going with her "girlfriend" but also referred to her as a "significant other". If I'm to infer that this is a romantic relationship then I would definitely not be comfortable with them going on a trip together at that age. Your daughter would be in a vulnerable situation with someone who you do not know, very far from home. At 17 they are still children. Even if you trust your daughter, you can't trust her significant other.

2017-08-30 20:55:16 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

I wish that I could say yes to this so you had a comparison. The truth is, my answer would be "I'm sorry, but no, you can't go. It's just not safe."

Although the actual numbers of campers assaulted is probably not astronomical, it only has to happen once to your daughter and her friend to cause lifelong problems. Teens aren't good judges of danger (which is why they do such dangerous - to us - things.)

@threetimes has offered options, which I agree with.

There are two other points to address. If her reason for wanting to camp is to have uninterrupted alone time with her girlfriend, this would give me pause. But if they have already been intimate, they've been intimate, and two days is not much different than one evening. If they have not been intimate, you need to have "the talk" (again?).

If her reason is that she wants a taste of independence, there are other, safer things she can do, but as already mentioned in the other answer, she will not be able to rent accommodations because of her age. A couple of day trips might have to suffice.

As an adult photographing wildflowers on the Appalachian Trail decades ago, a man (who looked very deranged) pointed a gun directly into my face at close range. I don't know if he ever intended to pull the trigger. After a few moments, I said, "I shoot things, too" and held my camera up to show him what I meant. Then I walked away. This was in the days before cell phones, but I hiked as quickly as I could to the nearest road/phone to report him. The Trail has only gotten worse since then.


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