Moby Disk
2017-07-02 21:03:27 UTC
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I have an 8-year old and a 4-year old. My 8-year-old recently asked me "Are wars are real?" At 8 years old, my elders watched TV news so I got little inklings of politics, wars, crime, etc. But we don't want today's TV news in our house. Both my children have tablets and limited internet access. Is there a good source of good curated age-appropriate news? Preferably something streamable.

In a related question from 2011 PBS newshour and BBC newsround were recommended. PBS newshour is sometimes heavy, but maybe we should try it as a family. BBC Newsround focuses a bit too much on British pop culture and sports but it is certainly safe and digestable.

UpdateI am really having trouble accepting any answer here. Many people posted insightful comments giving good parenting advice. I appreciate that. Some provided other alternatives to news. But most seem to say there is no good source, while I have found too many to research them all! It seems like many people wanted to give parenting advice rather than answer the question. Perhaps it was poor of me to ask the community to do my research for me.

Since I posted this, I found DogoNews and Time For Kids to be my good candidates. Both are on the Common Sense Media's list of news for kids. Youngzine seems to vary: one day it was celebrity news, but today it looks earth sciencey which seems quite good.

十五 答案:
Rory Alsop
2017-07-02 21:12:03 UTC
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2017-07-02 23:05:56 UTC
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2017-07-03 11:48:09 UTC
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Just my two cents, I think one great way to get started with world news is to get a World Map or a globe.

That way, when they look at the news headlines and images, they have a mental reference point.

For example, they may hear of deteriorating North Korea - Japan relations, and looking at the map will help to cement their understanding of why those two countries are making such a big fuss.

In the end, world news is full of minute details, and knowing the bigger picture helps in understanding as a whole.

我們擁有Oregon Scientific Smartglobe,我們正將其用於此目的。
Chris Johns
2017-07-02 22:55:26 UTC
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2017-07-03 12:08:46 UTC
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I don't tell my children a great deal about current news yet. We do talk about what is going on in the world around them. I don't personally care to watch the news myself, I tend to read it and so does my spouse.

I do tell my 10yr old that news sources are biased and you have to take that into account. I also tell him that his parents are biased and that also has to be taken into account. We have our own opinions and sometimes as people I don't agree with my spouse's take on certain things. I personally find that to be the most valuable thing my kids are learning, that two people they think are both intelligent, well read and good people, can and do see world events through different perspectives and bring to the table rational, polite discord. I don't think personally that it's terribly important that my 10 year old really be completely informed on all world events at the moment. I think it's more important that he sees examples of adults that are informed, engaged, and aware. His ability to actually rationalize or understand things of world importance is going to be relatively limited at this age still. I find it more important in the stepping stones to understanding how it all works, to take him to town hall meetings. He can see local people addressing the local city council, complain, have disagreements with current policy, ask for a vote on an issue, etc.

My take on it is that becoming an empowered, aware world citizen is a series of baby steps. I teach them about finances through a series of small things too, not by having them sit down and go through all of our family financials. I might some day, but today, that could lead to undo worry, misunderstandings, and stress that isn't legitimate. In my mind, knowing my own kids, I don't feel they are ready to digest tensions between countries and threats when they can do nothing about that. Like I said, we do discuss it, they are welcome to ask things, but I prefer to be the one delivering that information versus sitting down and not knowing what someone else may say.

My approach is no doubt influenced by growing up in the cold war era and having a lot of useless worry and stress in my own childhood. I don't want that for my kids. I want them to care about the things we can do something about, not lay in bed at night wondering if they will reach adulthood. I have no doubt my parents had no clue it was impacting me that way. I wasn't a child prone to stress. I do not recall thinking about it in the day, but I do recall laying in bed at night hoping we didn't get nuked.

2017-07-04 15:04:51 UTC
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This is specifically for the 8 years old one: Don't use television / streams / video in general as the primary source for news.

Go for the "slow" route of newspapers, prints and similar stuff.This firstly is great to control the graphic content as newspapers tend to publish more text, less images - and that is what news are all about. Secondly, you are not overwhelmed with so many different stories - you can only read so much at a time. Thirdly, you can discuss the stuff that you son read more easily with him, as the paper won't run away that fast.

As for the choice of newspaper: Choose one that tends to be the last one to catch up on "hot" news and that takes the privacy of people serious.

As a bonus your child will learn to read and process written information faster.


When I was that age I started to read about the war in Iraq. Actually that was the way I started to consume news. I saw those nice pictures of tanks and started to read the bold text first... After some time I would read the whole article (which took ages) and managed to get a grasp of what the world may be.

2017-07-02 22:11:33 UTC
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我同意@Rory Alsop的觀點,沒有不偏不倚的新聞頻道,但是與引人注目的新聞相比,有一些新聞報導對聳人聽聞的新聞(泛紅,爆炸,墜毀)更感興趣。我同意推薦NPR和BBC的人。對於觀看者來說,它們並不是那麼渴望。


您還可以查看年輕人的新聞媒體,例如 Channel One新聞等。應該引導您前往多個此類站點;選擇最合適的產品。


2017-07-06 00:07:14 UTC
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我要說的是,您不是最適合時事的摘要,而是擁有一個對孩子們友好的篩選器,而不是依靠某種形式的媒體來介紹時事。開始與他們一起探討整個世界以及其中的其他國家的概念(我在較早的答案中看到了使用世界地圖或地球儀的​​建議,這是個不錯的主意,但是視頻可能對此非常有用也是如此-例如發現頻道製作的“行星地球”視頻或“ baraka”,或者在網上觀看其他國家的食物/衣服/環境/房屋/宗教場所的視頻/圖片),並讓他們熟悉認為我們的生活不同,但是我們彼此之間沒有彼此孤立,有時會導致分歧。在極端情況下,國家理事機構會選擇對彼此使用暴力,我們稱之為戰爭。這些分歧可能是意識形態的,也可能是關於控制稀缺資源的,或者兩者兼而有之。





2017-07-03 20:22:36 UTC
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Children often can't process the a straight news broadcast because they don't have the background knowledge to make sense of it, so they'll get bored and switch off. But there are other, more accessible ways of learning about current affairs. My kids will happily sit through a topical comedy or satirical show just for the silly jokes, and their social primate brain will kick into action and they will try to puzzle out what the adults are laughing at. Little by little they learn who the recurring characters are and something about the topics under discussion. Before long your ankle-biter is an engaged citizen with an opinion on the major political players.When I was young got hooked into politics by watching Spitting Image on TV. Now my kids listen to the podcast editions of Radio 4's News Quiz and The Now Show in the car on the school run.

2017-07-04 18:04:09 UTC
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Get them to watch CNN... hahaha hahahah hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahaha

No seriously Actually it's more important to teach them principles and questioning things. Explain things to them verbally, or go through some newspaper articles with them, and question what is happening, and how it relates to the principles you teach them, and what is right and wrong.

If you must absolutely give them the ins and outs of wars why is it bad for ISIS to cut off peoples heads but all good for Saudi Arabia too. Why are brutal Kings sent guns, and brutal dictators given hot lead?

Teach them why it's ok to bomb Iran for wanting to develop weapons we already have, but not OK to bash your neighbour because a branch on his tree is getting a bit thick and you fear he may club you with it.

Principles, principles, principles... it's the only anecdote to propaganda

2017-07-04 23:25:36 UTC
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Understanding the past is key to understanding the present. I would start by seeking out some age-appropriate world history material - either curriculum (more efficient), or a small number of hand-picked documentaries or even just hands-on conversation (more accessible) - and possibly expand into general social studies. Where current news is a fleeting snapshot of complex issues, I think history will be far more accessible and instructive than the news, due to situations developing rather than simply existing. As a bonus, the passage of time soothes emotional engagement with events. Far more balanced and rational, age-appropriate treatment of the subjects involved will be readily available, not to mention the unearthing of far more detail and factual accuracy than we have with events still unfolding.

To accelerate the process of preparing children with the critical thinking needed, perhaps focus on the history of a single specific region (probably not the Middle East) to ready them for news just from that region, before letting them expand to the whole world. While we underestimate what children can handle, that's a lot for even adults to handle.

2017-07-05 18:50:04 UTC
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First you should get your child interested (and they seem to be already), and then you should give them background on ways to rationally think about the news. It is more important at this time to teach the children to think rather than to just expose to the current scoop.

What I do with my kid when some subject piques his interest, is to use a platform they likes[sic] (youtube) and pre-select / curate some videos about the subject beforehand. There are tons of child-safe fact-checking channels out there. I watch the video beforehand to see if it has something inappropriate (a strong image, cursing, etc).

Then I invite them to watch some videos together. We watch some gaming videos to lighten the mood, then I bring up the subject. If they does[sic] not outright refuse, I load the video URL and we watch together. After watching, we talk about it. It is very important at this point to let the children think for themselves. I make questions about the subject to spark critical and analytical thinking.

For example, if the subject is wars, I'd get one of those "today I learned" about ancient / medieval wars that include some talk about motivation. Maybe follow up with some video on modern wars if they are still interested. Then some of the questions I'd ask could be:

  • Why do you think people go to war?
  • Are wars really necessary?
  • The ________ waged war because they wanted _______. What do you think of them for doing that?
  • Do you think a country has the right to defend themselves?
  • How do you think wars could be avoided?

Very important here: the purpose is to spark critical/analytical thinking, not to indoctrinate the children. Of course as a parent/caregiver some indoctrination will happen, but the key point is to allow the children to think for themselves. Do not talk back/down them on their answers. Don't criticize the children.

My kid often asks my own opinion on the subject too. I only voice myself after they have finished talking. If my view disagrees with something they voiced about, I point out those conflicting views and ask him about this disagreement. As an authority figure, it is important not to push your own view over theirs. Then we hold a quick debate. If I see they are tiring of the subject, we engage in more gaming/fun videos and I later bring it up again.

Then I hope the seeds of this knowledge thirst have been well planted. The children will seek out news and be better prepared to deal with them.

2017-07-03 16:39:48 UTC
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對於“繁重”的話題,例如,當注意到挨餓的人們的圖片(也許在報攤上或其他地方)時,您可以談論戰爭,飢荒,第三世界問題等等,就像孩子一樣。 “我們總是有足夠的飯菜,但有些人則不必;甚至是孩子!在炎熱的國家,他們甚至沒有水;甚至在我們的國家,有些人甚至沒有房子。”等(選擇其中一項,而不是一次全部);我會試著讓它變得更個人化:如果您問他們“您能想像三天不吃東西會有什麼感覺嗎??”,那麼他們就會考慮一下。他們還不需要知道每天有數百萬人挨餓。






Rui F Ribeiro
2017-07-05 10:53:36 UTC
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2017-07-05 15:29:15 UTC
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I was brought up on newsprint (i.e. my father would read the paper), and prefer text even now.

For a start I read faster than people talk. For example I can read a transcript of an hour-long documentary in less than an hour. So that's more efficient, or the information that can be conveyed in a given time is more in-depth.

Second and more important, I find that TV is emotionally-laden: there's dramatic music introducing the TV news; and the announcers read their scripts in a concerned, serious, or anxiety-conveying voice ... which I find distracting, unpleasant, disorienting, and addictive (and so, unsuitable).

So to answer your question, "How can I begin exposing my children to world news?", you could tell them (perhaps the 8-year-old at least) to read the front page of the newspaper (or the "world news" page of the newspaper) every day ... maybe quiz them on it too, if you do that.

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