2017-08-28 04:45:59 UTC
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I need some help with turning a very disappointing event into a learning opportunity. Last night my 9-year-old son was to spend the night with my neighbor's son, and the neighbor's girlfriend's kids. During the course of the evening my doorbell rings. It's my son, crying, and his friend's dad. He said he was sending him home due to being rude, disrespectful, and defiant to authority. But he didn't provide me specific examples of what my son actually did. I asked my son what happened and he said when the dad was trying to talk to them about something he couldn't stop laughing because of something another child said.

Needless to say, my son was really sad. I want to use this as a learning opportunity. I told him he has to listen and be respectful to adults. Today, my son went over to play and the dad wouldn't let him. The worst part is that they live direct across the street from me so I have got to find a solution or else this will be a long term problem.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

@coderodour禁止您的孩子與另一個孩子交往,特別是由於另一個孩子的父母的過失(!)聽起來是個壞主意。我有一些朋友,小時候,他們被禁止與某些朋友交往。作為成年人,他們深深地後悔服從父母。 IMO,在大多數情況下,最理想的情況是您的孩子違抗您。如果您的孩子有機會成為一個有影響力的人或振作精神,為什麼要拒絕他們?
恭喜@R ..,他的帖子暗示他的孩子每次遇到麻煩時總是把完整的事實告訴他,因此他不公平地認為,到處遇到的所有孩子總是在講真話。就個人而言,我都不知道。另一個父親可能瘋了,或者孩子可能在撒謊,或者可能是兩者的結合。就個人而言,我感到驚訝的是,如此多的人如此確信自己知道發生了什麼而又不知道故事的另一面。
@StephanBranczyk:不,這只是我既是一個孩子又是一個成年人,並且成年後一直和周圍都有孩子,總的來說,我相信一個孩子講的真相比我相信一個成年人要重要得多,尤其是當成年人已經迴避並拋出了大紅色標誌(“不尊重”,“蔑視權威”,這是“我沒有充分的理由證明我是對的,但我默認是因為我是成年人而獲勝”的代名詞) / teacher / whatever“)。
你兒子在騙你。當然,如果有機會用他自己的話講這個故事,他會選擇說些使另一個成年人完全不合理的話,而且他看上去比白人更白。只要有機會,每個孩子都會這樣做(我也會,你也會)。看來您已經愛上了它。 (為了平衡起見,孩子完全有可能做了其他事情,他們沒有告訴您,但是他們確實沒有發現問題)。呼應這裡的聲音合唱;得到完整的故事。
如果您從另一位家長那裡找到有關此情況的更多信息,@gottagotta您是否可以發布更新?我真的很好奇發生了什麼。 Tbh,如果有人打架或完全發脾氣並弄壞了東西,我會期望這種行為。這真的很奇怪(假設您的孩子說的是實話)。
22 答案:
2017-08-28 07:57:49 UTC
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我確實說過成年人,但這不是成年人應該處理的情況。如果是在我家過夜,一個孩子表現不佳,我就不會送孩子回家。我會和他們私下坐下來,檢查我對他們的期望(不傷害其他孩子,不打名字,等等。)只有當孩子在受到警告後再次真正受傷時,我才會帶客人回到他們的房子。 / p>







個人而言,我不贊成盲目的“尊重權威”方法。請閱讀有關亞當·沃爾什(Adam Walsh)的極端案例,或閱讀有關虐待兒童的日常故事。並非所有成年人都應服從。某些成人應避開。 sub>

評論不作進一步討論;此對話已[移至聊天](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/85653/discussion-on-answer-by-anongoodnurse-son-was-sent-home-from-sleepover-for-behav) 。
2017-08-28 06:48:31 UTC
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要么父親反應過度,要么故事比他最初報導的更多。我無法想像孩子已經得到糾正的某些事情(帶回家,不准留下)會要求其他懲罰。我不會對父親說這句話,因為它不可能很好地告訴成年人您認為他們處理不好的事情。相反,我請他澄清一下,問他的意圖是什麼,何時會通過,或者他想要我的孩子會做 em b>


我還會再問你兒子有關的笑聲。也許他確實笑了另一個孩子的話。我會檢查一下,看看是否只是 just 。在壓力下笑實際上是一個已知的性格特徵。我有一個孩子在遇到麻煩時會笑。這並不意味著無禮,這是我必須幫助她學會遏制的事情,但這是一種緊張的反應。





當其他人收到令人震驚的壞消息甚至自己親身經歷時,我已經看到這種情況發生了。 Wikipedia上有關[緊張的笑聲](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nervous_laughter)的文章提到“在[人類意識的簡短旅行中](https://www.amazon.com/Brief-Tour-Human -Consciousness-Impostor / dp / 0131872788 /),神經科學家[VS Ramachandran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilayanur_S._Ramachandran)提出,笑聲被用作一種防禦機制,用於防止壓倒性的焦慮。通常可以減少與創傷事件有關的痛苦。”
2017-08-28 14:01:20 UTC
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  1. 另一個爸爸瘋了。抱歉,也許我有點誇張,但是如果您的兒子說的是實話,我將永遠不會把我的兒子送過去。我特別擔心第二天他不允許他離開的事實,這似乎是孩子氣的舉止,以及我對一個存在很大自我問題的人的期望。

  2. 你的兒子說的話不多。他可能做了一件非常糟糕的事情,他害怕讓您知道,因此,即使是另一位父親也不會因為擔心會產生實際問題而告訴您(因此另一位父親實際上是在尊重和機智的態度)。不知道這可能是什麼,但必須是一個非常嚴肅的事情。

  3. ol>



@anongoodnurse NP,我一直都這樣做:)
2017-08-28 17:09:44 UTC
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Something does not add up. I would definitely talk to the other dad and say something along the lines of "I'm sorry my son misbehaved. Could you give me some details so that I can make sure he understands what he did was wrong?" No matter what he says, I would reply with "Thanks, I'll talk to my son about it."

This gives you a chance to get the whole story. It may be that your son was telling the truth, that there was a misunderstanding, or that your son was, in fact, misbehaving.

If the first, as others have said, this seems like an overreaction and I would take it as a warning sign.

If the second, I would give it a few days for things to cool off. Then go over with your son, apologize for the misunderstanding and maybe invite their kids over to your house to play.

If the third, talk to your son about what he did wrong and make him go over and apologize.

@R ..另一位父親把兒子帶回家,暗示他行為不端。因此,應該說“對不起兒子,我很抱歉”,並詢問詳細信息。這只是打開對話並了解發生了什麼的一種方式。如果什麼都沒發生,那對任何人都不是真正的傷害。
@R ..嗯,我叫瘋了,但是讓您的孩子從過夜中回家的另一位父母,因為他的行為不端,您知道這是發生的跡象。 OP並未說明他在初始對話中是否詢問詳細信息。根據發生的情況,如果有很多孩子需要讓他的父親重新觀看,則另一位父親可能沒有時間自願提供細節。
@Becuzz R ..說,“沒有跡象表明”該孩子行為不端,這完全是錯誤的。但是,正如我的回答所示,我同意您所說的一切。
我認為,如果採取這種方法,更好的戰術道歉將是不假定未知的事實,但要重申“已知”的事實。 “對不起,您感到有必要將兒子送回家。您能提供給我詳細信息以便我相應地解決嗎?”
2017-08-29 00:16:22 UTC
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I always used to smile/grin when I was nervous as a child. It was something I couldn't help. A lot of people misconstrued it as being cheeky and defiant.

I can imagine that at 9 years old, I would have been grinning from ear to ear if a neighbour had told me off. In fact I'm sure it happened a few times.

It could be something your son always does, or just did in this situation.

Either way, I'd explain this possibility to the neighbour and see if he's open to taking a look at the situation from the perspective of a young child.

Whether the neighbour is receptive or not, I would explain to your son that I think it was a nervous smile, and that people will misunderstand it in future, so he should try not to do it, but not to worry too much because humans misunderstanding each other is a part of life.

Ben Crowell
2017-08-29 02:13:39 UTC
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整個故事中明顯缺少的是您兒子的道歉。當然,父親第二天不讓他來-他正在等待孩子的道歉,承認他很粗魯,並承諾將來會表現得更好。這樣的道歉應該早就發生,就像立即發生一樣。如果孩子從未學習過為不當行為道歉,那麼該是他學習的時候了。從表面上看,他的舉止是粗魯的,即使故事只不過是他說的話而已。 。如果我在超市踩到某人的腳趾,我就不會笑了,也沒關係我不想踩他們的腳趾。我立即道歉,因為在那種情況下這是有禮貌的行為。同上,如果我問一個女人,那麼實際上她還沒有懷孕,那麼她應該何時懷孕。如果我開個玩笑關於管道工在燒烤架上的對接縫開裂的話,也是如此,事實證明我告訴他的那個人是管道工。我以為那個女人懷孕了,還是我不知道那個男人是水管工,都沒關係。您的兒子9歲,已經足夠大了,可以理解這種禮貌行為的概念。

@user不合理,是的,我可能永遠也不想再去他們的房子了。在這種情況下,我也將支持我的*孩子*。但是我仍然會告訴我的孩子,他們是客人,他們的選擇是吸吮孩子,或者離開,而不是參加瘋狂活動。 (並且與OP的情況有關,我也鼓勵兒子邀請他的朋友來*我們*的房子,並勸阻或禁止他在這種破壞性的環境中使用)。
Chris Sunami supports Monica
2017-08-28 23:37:51 UTC
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This may largely be a matter of different parenting styles and expectations. I don't feel it needs to end up being a case where you feel you have to take sides between your son and your neighbor --they might both be "right" in different ways. As most other people have mentioned, the first step is to have a private, adult-to-adult conversation with your neighbor, and get the full story from his side, with details. This really should have happened as soon as possible, and definitely prior to your son trying to go play at the neighbor's house again.

What we do definitely know is that there is a disconnect between what this parent expects, and your son's behavior. After hearing the whole story, you might decide that the other parent's expectations are unreasonable, and that your son shouldn't try to meet them. In that case, your son shouldn't play over there any more. On the other hand, even the best raised 9-year-olds can misjudge the right time for a joke. If the other parent was trying to explain a safety matter, or respond to a child being hurt, for example, a bunch of inappropriate laughter might have been more than he wanted to put up with at that moment. In that case, you should have a talk with your son about the need to match his behavior to the other parent's expectations if he wants to be invited to play there again (emphasis on "invited").

Either way, it is a parent's right (barring abusiveness) to set expectations in their own house, and to expect child guests to honor those (maybe he just didn't want to be laughed at by a 9-year-old in front of his own kids). We all encounter situations where we either have to meet the local standard or go home (whether we agree with it may be besides the point). The fact that you live across the street doesn't obligate either you to change your standards, or them to change theirs.

2017-08-30 16:16:12 UTC
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As many people has pointed out: Something does not match up. Your neighbours reaction is, according to the vast majority, not proportional to the "crime".

Many years ago a similar thing happened for a friend: His son was caught playing doctor at a friends house. He was sent home, and neither the parents, being ashamed of their own child, or the my friends son (also ashamed) told the truth.

This explanation might be unlikely, but at least you should consider it and talk to your son about it.

2017-08-29 23:10:54 UTC
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2017-08-30 02:47:09 UTC
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2017-09-05 06:54:45 UTC
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2017-09-01 14:42:51 UTC
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You are assuming your son is telling you the whole story, that he behaved correctly and didn't do anything wrong. That's a bad assumption.

If your son did something wrong most probably he will try to hide or disguise it if he expects you could react. No matter the level of confidence you have on him. It's human nature.

When a bunch of kids gather in unusual place/circumstances/etc they may act like a bunch of psychos. I have seen this happened a lot of times working with kids. One has a "great idea" and the rest will follow.... And it isn't always the "leader" who pays the consequences, maybe the shy well-mannered candid kid is who ends getting all the fault.

"Problem was someone thought it was a great idea to play with a basket ball inside the house, consequence was a broken flat TV, culprit was that bloody giggling kid"

Anyway, you should talk with an adult face-to-face about what happened and stop guessing. And yes, the basket ball, broken TV and giggling kid was a true story.

2017-09-05 15:23:33 UTC
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  1. 一個9歲的年輕人已經能夠詳細說明並解釋複雜的情況;
  2. 所有這些詳細信息您的兒子提供的信息可能對以後與鄰居的交流很有幫助;
  3. 如果您認為他漏掉了細節或撒謊,請不要指責他,因為情況可能比您認為的要復雜得多。
  4. 弄清楚如何以一種友好的方式接近您的鄰居,例如:


  5. ol>


2017-08-30 13:31:13 UTC
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2017-08-31 16:22:57 UTC
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如果您閱讀了OP的文字,則父母* did *會將孩子帶回家。
Speaking from expirience
2017-08-31 20:16:41 UTC
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Lots of great answers here. Just my 2 cents.

I am noticing an inconsistency here. Your neighbors are having sleepovers. Other people trust their kids to go there safely. Might be worth finding out from other parents if they ever had an experience like that with that particular family. If it's the dad, then you're likely to hear something from other parents.

There's also another option. Your son might have done something that is not easily discussed with other adults - say, maybe touch someone inappropriately (in play, and not stop when told), say or do something indicative of taboo problems with adults close to him. Kids around his age act out sexual abuse on their peers without really understanding what they are doing. I sincerely hope it's not the case but if we assume the dad in question is sane since there isn't a reason to assume otherwise, something your son did might indicate a problem another adult is not comfortable, or knows how to, bring up with parents.

Again, I sincerely hope I am wrong but unfortunately child abuse is common enough to make sure everyone is aware of red flags as early as possible.

2017-09-02 03:57:24 UTC
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2017-09-03 17:08:58 UTC
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being rude, disrespectful, and defiant to authority.

Well this is really all you have to go on. You could ask your son, but if he doesn't understand what wen't wrong then he won't be able to tell you.

For example, I could totally see sending a kid (or all kids home) for laughing at an adult that had a disability for hours on end. Even when told to stop, and when it was explained.

I could also see doing it if (sending kids home) if the "defiant to authority" was something like "I told you before, don't hit Suzie with the flash light" and they keep doing it and laughing about it.

I could also be ok with (though I personally wouldn't) them sending my kids home because they didn't know how to get them to behave. People have very different ideas of what's ok for discipline and what is not. I would much rather you send my kids home then spank them, for example.

Now when I would get frustrated enough to send kids home, I most certainly would not want to talk to the parents right away. I know I need to provide a reason, but "Billy did x, y and z" just isn't in me at that point. If you responded with a "but did you try.." then were in an argument as adults, and that's a really bad thing. I mean I'm already upset enough to bring kids home, Last thing I want to hear is how your son is a perfect angle, and can do no wrong. The next day, however seems like a great time to have a talk about what went wrong and what the fall out is going to be.

There are a few things to remember though:

  • Unless these people are mental, your son did do something wrong in their eyes. Different people have different rules, expectations, and needs. So you might not think it was wrong, but they might find it totally unacceptable.
  • Your son has already, "paid the price". Even if the neighbors come back with something that you feel is extremely bad behavior, don't issue ner punishments.
  • There are many reasons to send kids home. Some are as a punishment, and some are because you don't know how to handle them. Not all of them are because the child is so bad. Maybe the parent has an issue, or is trying to correct behaviors in their own child and your got caught up in the "If you don't stop fighting, Everyone is going home."

To get this turned around into a learning situation and not just a "I have been punished" situation, your can look at and examine how different religions and cultures handle different behaviors. You can show, for example that Muslim women "cover their faces" while Christian people do not. Or that some cultures spank, and you don't. Look at history and today and point out how the same actions are though of as acceptable, and totally not acceptable to different people.

It's important to show both the actions and the punishments changing with the people in question.

Then you can explain how Mr. Neighbor though an action was bad, even though you don't. And how his "punishment" was different then you would have done. You can explain, or try to, that when your at Mr. Neighbors house, you need to follow his rules. Even if they seem weird.

Finally you should be prepared that your son is now considered a bad influence on his friend. I certainly would not let my kids hang out with other kids that I thought were a bad influence. But keep in mind that one persons idea of bad influence doesn't need to line up with another's (or line up with popular culture's ideas).

2017-09-03 18:30:42 UTC
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Joaquin Guevara
2017-08-29 15:45:09 UTC
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2017-09-04 11:15:05 UTC
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I have serious concerns about any parent who would describe a 9 year old as "defiant" or "disrespectful" as though that was worthy of punitive action. Children are not soldiers who should blindly obey orders nor does punishing them accomplish anything of value. This makes me question the father's conduct, not your son;s. Maybe the only lesson for your son to learn is that his friend's dad is very controlling and treats children badly.

我知道有研究表明懲罰是錯誤的。但是我必須不同意你回答中的每一點。 9歲足以期待得到尊重並嘗試遵守規則。只要有道理,懲罰就可以奏效。不要用剪刀跑->確定,您可以使用剪刀一段時間。至於接朋友的爸爸,你不知道發生了什麼,盡量不要通過判斷。將孩子帶回家,因為讓您失去父親的三秒鐘很酷,這並不是一件壞事。
Intentionally Left Blank
2017-08-30 13:45:16 UTC
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