2014-11-06 13:25:23 UTC
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I would worry a bit about food being considered a 'discipline' issue.
I'm glad this question is asking *if* it's appropriate, and not immediately assuming that it is.
How old is this example child?
Mark, what do you mean by "making/forcing"?
AilihsggdkCMT let's say he's 3-14 years old (or so?). The important thing here is that he understands that his parents give off negative reactions with one of his behaviours, which is not finishing his food.
AiliukjxbsCMT although I meant this as a general question, I think the most common case would be the "do or be scolded" type of "making/forcing".
Now I remember what my mother used to always say when I don't finish my food. It's the typical "There are children out there with no food on their plates, and you should be grateful" argument. It's not like they'll stop being hungry if **I** eat this!
I see only two cases when this *might* be acceptable: 1: if THEY (the child) added more food than they can eat, as a reminder to not over-estimate how much they intend to eat, but even then you don't to force-feed them. 2: if they ASK for dessert/etc. before they are finished with their plate. There is a 3rd case, which is where the child may not be able to eat in the future, but I find this unacceptable and should not be "fixed" by force-feeding them.
六 答案:
2014-11-06 14:22:42 UTC
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Outside the scope of the original question, but this is not a great answer if the child is very fussy. They may then not eat "what they need and no more", which complicates the issue somewhat.
I'd say if its rice or potatoes are what left then its ok but if it's only broccoli is what's left in plate then that vegetable needs to be stuffed in even if there is "no space". Because if dessert was offered the stomach would definitely find some free space for it.
Self-regulatory function of food intake of body is a joke. It hardly ever makes you crave for proteins. It does however make you crave for sweets even though you don't need them and even though you already had plenty of it. The self regulatory function is the first thing which if not put under control will give you diabetes.
However well or bad self-regulatory food intake works or however much it needs to be controlled, what does "eat after you are already full" teach? Learning that may be useful if reserves are required (food-shortage possibly ahead), but with more food just a few hours away anyway, why bother teaching to eat more than your body wants? PS: I have had protein and vitamin cravings...
AiliijtikkCMT The question is about a child not eating more because they're full, not because they don't like what's left on the plate. (Granted, it's hard for anyone other than the child to tell which is really the reason but, hey, if the child is full, they won't be wanting dessert, right?)
AilioyicjyCMT That's why you don't put sweets on the plate.
AiliuoefriCMT but broccoli is the wrong shape to fit in the cake slice shaped hole in my tummy. :D
I have to agree with Joe, there are advantages. For example, food they've scooped out themselves. As a kid, we were broke. We couldn't afford to waste food, because this was tomorrows supper too. My mother scooped out a reasonable portion we had to finish, and except when sick or something, I never didn't finish it. It was small enough we almost always dished out a second helping. That second helping had to be finished because *we chose the size of the helping*. Knowing we had to finish whatever we took made us consider what the appropriate size was for ourselves, a valuable lesson to learn!!
2014-11-06 20:47:20 UTC
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+1 for practicality and not sticking to stupid preconceived notions for their own sake.
I like this for a lot of reasons and think I'm going to start doing this at my house. Doesn't work as well with hot dogs or other pre-sized servings, but that's not our mainstay anyway.
AiligyujkuCMT Regarding the first, the time it takes to get a second portion is at the most 2 minutes, that's not going to make any difference. And regarding your last point... don't think I even get it. If you have a large portion you *feel* like you ate lots, if you have lots of small portions you *feel* like you ate little... at least, as I said before, that's the case for some of us.
2014-11-06 22:26:03 UTC
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“新發現表明,促使孩子們吃盤子上的所有東西都與肥胖直接相關。明尼蘇達大學一項研究表明,強迫飲食與孩子成年後不健康的飲食習慣有關。有趣的是,雖然這些孩子當時體重正常,但這種情況在以後的生活中會有所改變。” - http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/04/forcing-kids-to-clean-their-plate-may-cause-obesity-study-suggests/#18YHSxWgA2Pqu83z.99 >

This was something that came in with rationing in WWII. Before that it was courteous to leave food on your plate (you are too generous!).
AilitmsttiCMT Wow I looked into this and apparently there was something called the "Clean Plate Club" in the 1940s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_Plate_Club
2014-11-07 00:56:36 UTC
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  • 他們想玩
  • 他們想吃甜點
  • 他們不想嘗試新事物




2014-11-07 00:18:18 UTC
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2014-11-07 00:34:27 UTC
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  1. 我們的孩子都非常苗條,被認為體重很輕。他們的醫生鼓勵我們竭盡所能,以獲取更多的卡路里(如果我們有時讓他們早點停止,他們通常會抱怨後來餓了)
  2. 即使如此,我們從來沒有強迫他們“清理自己的盤子”。與他們的身體正常運作所需的營養量相比,食物中的食物量是任意的。
  3. ol>

    因此,讓孩子多吃的“好處”是有時候,您比孩子知道更多對他們的身體真正有益的東西,但是除非您得到醫生的建議,否則您不必假設這是什麼。 。如果他們有足夠的營養並且吃飽了,沒有理由強迫孩子吃東西。

Depends what you mean by "force the issue". Hoping you don't mean literally force-feeding. "Force-feeding includes a spectrum of methods to get children to eat against their will. Tactics range from restraining the child's arms, forcing the spoon/food onto the lips or into the mouth, feeding while the child is sleeping, to tricking a child to open his/her mouth. In such cases, children don't have the opportunity to assess their hunger to guide their feeding choices." http://www.parkhurstexchange.com/clinical-reviews/ud_08_vol14
“強迫餵養的問題是,這最終會導致不健康的飲食習慣。一項對100多名在孩童時期被強迫餵養的人進行採訪的研究發現,強迫餵養給孩子造成了心理傷害。這些人被強迫餵食已經有20多年的事實了,他們是成年人,在進行這項研究時,他們顯然可以回想起情感上的痛苦。” http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sapient-nature/201403/the-nurturers-curse
I understand both of your points, and don't disagree. It's an extremely delicate issue and we treat it as such. The lack of true brute force (in this and so many other areas of dealing with a 2 year old) is part of what makes this a true battle and not just a "disagreement". The situation, also, might not be what you're thinking... our son tells us he's hungry, unprompted, when it's dinner time, he sits down, takes one bite and then wants to be done with dinner. Regardless, I appreciate your concern but I think we're OK.
That's all right then. :)

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