2017-06-29 09:17:34 UTC
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My 4-year-old daughter knows that she was in my tummy and then the doctor took her out. She saw my childhood photos and asked me where she was at that time.She has also asked me how she got in my tummy. She cannot understand the meaning of "not existing".

How do I answer these questions?

“我4歲的孩子無法理解“不存在”的含義。” -我敢打賭她可以。請她用磚塊蓋房子(例如樂高積木)。然後把磚塊扔掉。在蓋房子之前先問她房子在哪裡,再問她現在在哪裡。
無論您做什麼,都不要讓孩子問Cortana / Siri / Google“如何養嬰兒”。
_“我4歲的孩子無法理解'不存在'的含義。” _赫克,今年30歲,我自己幾乎無法理解。整個宗教圍繞這個問題如雨後春筍般湧現。超過千年!
十二 答案:
2017-06-29 10:32:44 UTC
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@le_daim但是,植物並不是“生來有種子”的:它們在需要時就可以生長種子。 (當然,植物不是“出生”的,但是例如,當植物首先從地下推出並長出第一片葉子時,它沒有種子。它們後來被種植。)
@DavidRicherby le_daim的觀點是,當母親出生時,從技術上講,孩子已經在她體內作為種子了。因此,對孩子的問題的答案將是“您是還沒有長出來的種子”或類似的東西(用雞蛋代替,從技術上講更正確)。
2017-06-29 20:35:10 UTC
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It's difficult to understand what children are actually seeking as an answer when they ask a question such as this. Since parents know the whole story, it's a challenge to tease out just enough information to satisfy the child without overburdening them. Asking some questions of them about what they think (maybe talking about other species) might give you an idea of what they are actually asking.

Most children understand eggs. Almost everything we can see comes from an egg of some kind: insects, birds, turtle, all mammals, etc. It should not be hard to show her a video of, say, a turtle laying eggs and then the hatchlings coming out of the shell.

All these animals have the eggs inside of them long before before they grow old enough to start having babies/laying eggs. When the mother is old enough, the eggs are incubated (inside or outside of the body) and develop into what they are meant to become. You have human baby eggs inside of you in a special place in your tummy. That's where she was before she was in the part of your tummy where babies grow until they are born. She was always safe and warm there before she grew into a baby.

I told this to my youngest son when he asked, at about your daughter's age. He asked me if his shell was hard or soft. I answered, "Soft". That night in his prayers and for many nights after, he started his prayers with, "Dear God, Thank you that I'm not a smooshy egg." Somehow this idea disturbed him. So, less than we think is often better with kids.

非常感謝您讓我知道“真相”:即使我還是嬰兒的時候,我也不知道她實際上在我體內。 http://www.butterflybirth.com/how-many-eggs-is-a-female-human-born-with/
評論不作進一步討論;此對話已[移至聊天](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/61605/discussion-on-answer-by-anongoodnurse-pre-schooler-wants-to-know-where-she-was- w)。
2017-06-29 11:57:54 UTC
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This is going to be somewhat subjective based on your own beliefs & what you want to instill in her. My own mother believes we are in heaven with God before birth, so that is the story I was told. I told my children, that I truly do not know where they were, because I don't know that I have a strong belief on it. I told them that their body wasn't made yet, but as far as their spirit I cannot say since I don't recall anything before age 3, and they don't recall, so there is no way to know.

By 4 my children have all known how a baby comes out. So when I am asked by a child too young to actually grasp things like an egg that is so small you can't see it with the human eye, I stick with simple responses like "You went in the same way you came out". At this sort of age, that has seemed to be enough. I also often ask them questions versus filling in blanks. We watch videos with human birth (as I want them to see it as normal & not gross - so far, so good). I also have them watch videos on fish reproduction & we own fish. I think that helps them to see what is happening because it all takes place externally, but in many ways no so differently than how it does for humans. When "the time" came to actually talk, by them my kids had figured it out on their own really. I mean, my youngest is 3, so not yet for her, but by 6 my others already deduced that the man makes sperm & puts that inside you & I didn't even have to go into details, as I had slowly shown them enough info for them to sort it out. It's not that I don't want to tell them. it's that I recall being told & having it feel so confusing as I had no context. I think for my kids it's never felt confusing or surprising as it's a conclusion they came to through many small talks.

And if you have done the best you can to simplify it & she says she doesn't understand, just reassure her that it's okay not to understand. That in life some concepts are so big they are hard to understand & sometimes impossible to understand. Realistically I do not really seem to understand the concept of infinity. I can't wrap my head around the idea that space could go on "forever". The human mind only really grasps things that start & stop. I can't grasp being indifferent to suffering, but so many people are. I can't explain those things to my kids. I've been asked. I've tried. We have had to just agree we all, as a family, do not understand indifference to suffering. We won't always be able to grasp all things, even when we are fully grown. So you just do the best you can to explain it the way you understand it, and then show your human side that to them, that you too struggle at times to grasp certain things.

有趣的洗牌劑..謝謝。我懷疑我是否能看到它……我似乎什至看不到我的鑰匙,除非它們正好位於我期望的位置。 ;) 呵呵
2017-06-29 21:10:27 UTC
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關於伯爵(Piaget)作品的警告:觀察到某事“確實發生”某種特定方式對它“必須”以這種方式發生或“不可能”以其他方式發生具有零影響。例如,所有有關兒童神童的數據都必須丟棄,以使伯爵理論得到普遍應用。 (續)
2017-06-29 21:28:18 UTC
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I think that there are two problems here.

The first problem are the details of human reproduction: that can be solved by telling the truth or by telling an appropriate tale - my choice was telling the truth or most of it, but that is a matter of preference.

The second (and most unexpected) problem is the idea of non existence and it's a lot harder. One of my daughters had a hard time understanding that at some point in time she wasn't anywhere. That might be related to the difficulty of young children understanding time-related concepts that adults take for granted - and she had difficulties with some of those concepts, too. However, I think this was also influenced by the feeling of being excluded: knowing about a time enjoyed by all the family excluding her but interestingly including her older sister could have been disappointing enough to reject the whole idea of not existing.

The second problem is harder to solve because there isn't much to tell about where she was when she was nowhere. The good part is that it's a problem that solves itself with time when the child grows enough to get the concept of not existing - at least my daughter did, and as far as I can remember it didn't happen much later than 4 years old, or maybe earlier.

2017-07-01 08:30:26 UTC
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嬰兒從哪裡來?他們成長。首先,從細胞開始。細胞是如此之小,以至於甚至都看不到。有些細胞是爸爸細胞,有些是媽媽細胞。然後,合併所需的部分(單元),然後開始其餘的創建過程。這並不需要太多的攪動,但是確實需要很多 增長 。小小的小嬰兒 成長 。然後 成長 。並且 增長 增長 增長 。 / p>

大約9個月後,嬰兒出生了。在此之前,嬰兒可能尚未準備好呼吸空氣。九個月後,嬰兒已經足夠大,可以呼吸空氣並進食了,所以嬰兒可以從媽媽身邊出來了。然後,嬰兒可以看到世界。對媽媽來說,在嬰兒大到足以出生後也不必總是一直抱著嬰兒 all 也是一件好事。但是,即使那樣,嬰兒仍然沒有 成長 。嬰兒變成了孩子,並且仍然保持 成長 ,直到孩子長大。


Chris Johns
2017-06-30 23:25:24 UTC
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同樣,如果孩子在對性工作原理有一定了解的情況下進入青春期,那麼當他們開始更加困惑地了解自己的身體工作方式時,他們可能會度過一段輕鬆得多的時光。 p>







這似乎是一個非常合理的答案,+ 1。為什麼要投票?
Richard Irons
2017-07-03 16:13:37 UTC
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我兒子四歲時,他在問這樣的問題。我告訴他,我們拿了一塊很小的木乃伊,和一塊很小的爸爸,然後我們做了一個很小的小嬰兒,甚至沒有豌豆那麼大。他從媽咪的肚子開始,小到你甚至都看不到他,而且他每天都變得更大(他種下了種子,每天澆水,看著它長大,從而學會了“每天更大”) 。



I wrestled a bear once.
2017-06-29 16:41:54 UTC
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2017-06-29 19:37:58 UTC
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Thorsten S.
2017-07-01 07:01:49 UTC
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Count Iblis
2017-07-02 04:48:01 UTC
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This is question that is difficult to deal with for adults as well. The physical facts about birth are not going to address the issue of "where we came from" in a satisfactory way, because you're left with the notion that you didn't exist, which is a difficult notion to deal with. Far enough in the future we won't exist either because we'll die, many adults cling to religion to deal with that. It are these issues which motivates pondering these questions, not the technical details about some biological facts about pregnancy, especially for a four-year-old.

So, besides talking about the biological facts, it's also useful to explain that not all questions are 100% settled. It's a useful thing to know at an early age that there are things out there that are so hard to understand that even adults have not understood it properly yet. This can make learning about such subjects a lot more interesting.

Now, it may not be clear that there can be something non-trivial about this particular question asked by the four-year-old. You may think that in the end the broad picture of where we came from will be the same anyway. So, let me give an alternative perspective that may not be correct but it's consistent with current knowledge. This is however a bit too complicated to explain to a four-year-old.

My starting point is that we are just biological machines, our minds are algorithms run by our brains. From the perspective of an algorithm that is processing a finite amount of information, the external world can be in any state that's consistent with that information (but not all these states will be equally likely). Then another assumption I'm going to make is the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics which leads to the conclusion:

In layman's terms, the hypothesis states there is a very large—perhaps infinite[2]—number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes.

Then whenever you learn a new fact, that fact was not settled before you learned it (unless the alternative is inconsistent with your existence). If e.g. humans including you could have evolved without there ever having existed dinosaurs, then the moment you learned about dinosaurs you split off from a copy who learns something else about the geological history of the (copy of the) Earth.

Within this framework the answer to the question will be totally different. When going back in time when you had less information stored in your brain, you are going to merge with former copies who had split off previously due to learning different things about their world. When you were born you wouldn't know which century you lived in, it would take some time before you would see a car. Information about such basic facts would have entered your brain quite some time later. Therefore you were not even located in a definite place where these facts were settled, if you consider locations in the multiverse where these facts were settled and picture you as a baby in these places, then you would be identical in the different places where the facts were different, in the sense that your mind is the same in the different places.

So, I've to picture me as a newborn baby as being everywhere that's consistent with the knowledge I had back then. So, the very same person I was back then, was also born on many different dates in many different places ranging from prehistoric times to far into the future of different copies of the Earth. In fact, you can take two different persons, say Julius Cesar and Albert Einstein and argue that they were in fact the same person when they were young enough (which then may include being an embryo), because if you go back far enough in time you'll erase arbitrary much of the brain content.

This means that I cannot say that I was in the womb of specifically my mother, because the difference between me and my mother gradually fades away the farther I go back in time. My mother, me and everyone/everything else existed as the same creature in a place that gradually became more and more well defined (e.g. as an egg or a womb). At some point I would have diverged as a different person from my mother and father, but it's hard to say exactly when.

該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。